So... makes sense to start at the beginning, but I haven't. This is part way through, so sort of like the start of Kill Bill Vol. 1.
I'm not going to waffle on for too long (I hope) but I do want to explain how this started as succinctly as I can.
I describe my creative "down period" as my muse having left me for a guitar player. Nonetheless, the spirit hadn't moved me in years. I started trying to find out what had changed almost a year ago now and I still don't think I'm much closer to it, but I'm still plodding on in the hopes of self revelation.
I hoped that by starting to write something down on a regular basis, in a notebook, just how I used to, things might start happening for me. I went over a lot of old and half completed things and began to work through those. Nothing really happened except a lot of scrapping of some truly pretentious crap.
Then, one day - actually for many days in a row - we hit upon some technical snags at work that entailed me sitting and staring blankly at a computer screen, praying to the gods of technology (strategic small 'g') that something would change and the system might come back to life and I'd be able to do something worth while. On the plus side, I drank my first brew at a warm temperature in over a year and a half of working there! But I digress. One day of immense frustration, as the work began to mount up around my ears, I surrendered to it and began to type out what I was thinking.
It comes and goes in waves, as I'm led to believe the creative tides do, but I'm trying to go with the flow and write when I feel the urge just to see if anything funny or interesting gets said. I amuse myself quite well, so I suppose its up to any one who ends up reading it if I succeed or not.
I realised I have a few of these rants and, hopefully, more to come, so I decided to collect them all together in an Internet-based-pen to keep them safe. What I'll be posting (when I've done editing them into shape) are the rants I've had over the past few months. Some of them are from work, waiting and others are from "other places". Anything after that will be new and current and come here to keep the back dated ones company. Sounds like a lovely little farm for rants
So, enjoy. Read away and try not to spill your tea as you nod off. =)
Looking forward to your first "proper" post bro... make it one of those you emailed me before Christmas, I loved those! xoxo